Danny Ayoub

I'm a software engineer based in NYC. I've previously worked at Zoom and Keybase.

I'm currently working on building family-friendly social media at TUVU.

I taught computer science at Dickinson High School from 2018-2019 (via TEALS).

You can email me at daniel AT ayoubd DOT com

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Here's list of selected non-professional projects I've worked on since college, ordered by recency.


This is an index of all the books and notable articles I've read since entering college. I keep this list to refer back to running thoughts, and in response to the realization that I can sometimes completely forget that I've read a book. For the most part they are in the order I read them. Essays and other long-form works are marked with *.

I took a break from tracking which books I've read from around 2018-2024. As expected, as I write this in 2024, I've completely forgotten about some of the books in the above list, which is bewildering. Starting again from 2024: